84codes Knowledge Base
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Do you support Annual payment?
Are there any shipping costs?
I’m a reseller and want to set up an account, how do I do that?
How does your billing work?
What payment options and terms do you offer?
Can you confirm that the service will not have an automatic renewal once the current subscription on the PO expires?
Is everything included in the price?
We have a customer using your service with an active subscription and PO. Now it wants to create one more subscription. Should we extend the current PO or issue a new one?
Will your service be provided on- or off-premise?
Is the service returnable?
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Can I migrate between plans e.g. upgrade and downgrade plan?
How do we launch a cluster in AWS VPC?
How do I delete an instance?
Does CloudAMQP support TLS/SSL + certificate?
How is the message limit (max messages per month) calculated? My account is blocked due to message limit but I have not sent that many messages.
Can I send encrypted messages bodies sent over AMQP?
Maximum unacked messages
What are Queue alarms, Consumers alarms, CPU alarms and Memory alarms?
I can not manage users, vhosts or permissions, what is wrong?
Is there any downtime during plan migration? E.g. when upgrading or downgrading plan?
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Which port should I use to connect to when connecting to my Kafka cluster?
Which URL should I use when connecting to my Kafka cluster?
Can I add nodes to my cluster?
Can I migrate between plans?
Is the retention period configurable?
Which port should I use?
What is ClientId?
Does CloudMQTT support websockets?
How do I connect using TLS (SSL)? Where do I find cert and key files?
What is a connection?
How do I delete an instance?
What version of TLS is required when connecting to SSL port 8883?
Is there a message payload size limit?
Delete account
How do I connect to my database?
psql: FATAL: too many connections for role
How do I get started with ElephantSQL?
How do I delete an instance?
Can I have multiple databases on one instance?
Does ElephantSQL take backups of the database?
What is a connection?
Does ElephantSQL support TLS/SSL?
Is postGIS enabled?
Can I migrate between plans?
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